
ULA Marine Fiber Achieved The Recuction Of 100Gb/s Signal Attenuation

FiberStore news, OFS, innovative fiber optic network products designer, manufacturer and supplier, recently introduced TeraWave ™ ULA marine optical fiber, which is a new single-mode fiber specially designed for 100 Gb/s coherent transmission of the transmission distance up to 12,000km undersea systems. TeraWave ULA fiber allows more wavelengths with higher transmission speed over sea.

TeraWave ULA is a major breakthrough of marine optical fiber technology, a unique combination of the maximum effective area and excellent cabling performance, but also can greatly reduce the signal attenuation of 100Gb/s reliable coherent transoceanic transmission distance. The effective area of the optical fiber greatly (153 square microns) reduce the nonlinear, allowing to send higher signal power to spans, while improving the signal loss (0.176 dB/km under 1550nm).
For short-distance transmission, such fiber can provide even better nonlinear performance, while improving spectral efficiency.

OFS uses proprietary technology for producing TeraWave ULA fiber, provides low water peak (LWP) performance and low polarization mode dispersion (PMD).
This new fiber is designed for the use of advanced modulation formats and coherent detection distance networks optimization,for example, the greatly distance between the coast and the terminal limit overseas network of DWDM transmission. Compared with previous generations of submarine fiber optic, TeraWave ULA optical fiber can reduce the performance limitations caused by fiber nonlinearity, thus providing higher spectral efficiency and lower repeater spacing.

For applications without using a repeater, hanging cable and deepwater intersection, also can make full use of the large effective area advantage of TeraWave SLA ocean optical fiber, the higher power handling capability without additional distortion, means the longer distance can be distributed more high speed channels before amplification.

For all its marine fiber optic communication, OFS can be painted and splicing of TeraWave ULA, in order to meet the critical requirements of fiber optic cables. The fiber is carefully selected to meet the specifications of quantity, color, length and transmission properties of customers. And then assembled into a bundle, and the final measurement on the wire harness, to ensure all of its fibers are up to the performance requirements customer specified.

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